Cricingif & PepsiCo have collaborated to launch Pakistan’s very own Virtual Reality cricket game in a four-day-long activation held in Lahore. The activation, held from 19th May, 2017 till 21st May, 2017, will attract thousands of frenzied fans in a cricket-mad nation. Pepsi previously joint hands for finding the young and talented players from all…
Few days back I got an information about an opportunity for a Second Year Undergraduate students. I was stunned on that information, because I was bit jealous with them. Was thinking that why not that opportunity for us while we were studying undergraduate level in universities. Nevertheless a wonderful opportunity for all who are studying…
Finally Cricket Comes Home, Last day Pakistan played against Zimbabwe after 6 years, they played their first International Match; Thanks to Zimbabwe Cricket Board , Their Players, Pakistan Cricket Board, and Pakistan Government. Role of ICC was not convincingly though towards Pakistan & its nation, they didn’t send their officials to Lahore. PCB is doing…